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Home>> News > Telescopic Forklifts Are Indispensable for Construction Sites
Telescopic Forklifts Are Indispensable for Construction Sites - 2012-12-02 22:32:07

Telescopic forklifts are indispensable for construction work. They are designed to withstand work strain under the harshest weather conditions. Generally, they are provided with a four wheel drive system which enables them to work on rough terrains. They also have good ground clearance ability. The above two features make a telescopic forklift easy to navigate. Some high performance telescopic forklifts can lift weights of over 10 tones and to a height of over 15 meters. There is not much difference in the appearance of telescopic forklifts.


Telescopic forklifts are provided with a special attachment called the telescopic boom. Unlike a standard forklift, a telescopic forklift can move the telescopic boom forwards and upwards as desired. There are also a wide range of attachments that can be used with a telescopic forklift. It can be fitted with pallet forks, lift table, bucket or a muck grab that makes it applicable for a wide range of jobs.


Telescopic forktrucks are to make sure that the job given is performed safely. Many such machines are provided with a computer that monitors the actions of the vehicle closely with the help of sensors. These sensors alert the operator of danger and cuts off the controls of the vehicle if it detects any unsafe action.


There is one type called deep reach telescopic forklift loader. These trucks are helping distribution centers to achieve much more economical and high-density use of warehouse space. Deep reach trucks sometimes are described as double-deep because of their ability to place and retrieve pallets set one behind the other from a single aisle position.


Experts are of that opinion that deep reach trucks are the most productive fork lifts developed to date. These machines have the advantage of high speed, handling while traveling. Currently swing reach machines are being integrated with computer guidance technology. This will make inventory handling a very easy and relatively automated task.